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如何在 JavaScript 中隨機化/打亂數組 [示例]

本文將向您展示幾種在 JavaScript 中隨機化/打亂數組的簡單和復雜方法。



// Function to return a shuffled copy of a given array
function shuffle(array) {
    var shuffled = [...array]; // Make a copy of the array to be shuffled so that the original is not altered by the sort() function below
    shuffled.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5); // Sort the array using the sort() method with random input from Math.random()
    return shuffled; // Return the shuffled copy of the array


var fruitArray = ['peach', 'apple', 'banana', 'pear']; // Create an array of fruit
shuffledFruit = shuffle(fruitArray); // Shuffle it and assign the returned value to a new variable
console.log(shuffledFruit); // Will print the shuffled copy of the array

然而,這種方法並不是真正的 隨機 - 這是 sort() 中的一個弱點 在 JavaScript 中實現的方法。 Math.random() 功能也不是完全 隨機的。

但是,這種方法足夠好 對於您不太關心效率或隨機性的基本場景,例如隨機化班級學生的座位順序或遊戲中玩家的顏色。另一方面,如果您正在編寫彩票程序或在其他一些概率和公平性很重要的場景中工作,您將需要使用不同的方法。

JavaScript 中的現代 Fisher-Yates Shuffle(正確方法)

Fisher-Yates 是一種隨機化/改組 的項目序列的方法 真正隨機。這是最好的方法,但它需要一些額外的編碼,因為 JavaScript 沒有內置實現。

至於為什麼 更好嗎?我建議查看 Wikipedia 文章以獲得正確的解釋。但是,我會堅持代碼:

// Function to return a shuffled copy of a given array (Fisher-Yates)
function shuffle(array) {
    var shuffled = [...array]; // Make a copy of the array to be shuffled so the original is not altered
    for (var i = shuffled.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { // Loop through each index (position) in the array
        var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); // Pick an index randomly from the array
        var temp = shuffled[i]; // Store the value at the current index
        shuffled[i] = shuffled[j]; // Replace the value at the current position with the one at the randomly picked index
        shuffled[j] = temp; // Replace the value at the randomly picked index with the one which was at the current index (swapping them!)
    return shuffled; // Return the shuffled array


var fruitArray = ['peach', 'apple', 'banana', 'pear']; // Create an array of fruit
shuffledFruit = shuffle(fruitArray); // Shuffle it and assign the returned value to a new variable
console.log(shuffledFruit); // Will print the shuffled copy of the array

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