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JavaScript 中的計算機科學:二叉搜索樹,第 2 部分

在我之前的文章中,我介紹了在 JavaScript 中創建一個簡單的二叉搜索樹。那篇文章討論了將節點添加到樹中並遍歷樹到位置和額外信息。討論中缺少的一個主要部分是從二叉搜索樹中刪除節點。從二叉搜索樹中刪除節點可能很複雜,因為樹必須保持平衡,左側的所有值都小於右側的所有值。

刪除節點時,您需要確定它是否是根節點。根節點的處理與其他節點類似,但明顯的例外是根節點最後需要設置為不同的值。為方便起見,這將被視為 JavaScript 代碼中的一種特殊情況。


BinarySearchTree.prototype = {

    //more code here

    remove: function(value){

        var found       = false,
            parent      = null,
            current     = this._root,

        //make sure there's a node to search
        while(!found && current){

            //if the value is less than the current node's, go left
            if (value < current.value){
                parent = current;
                current = current.left;

            //if the value is greater than the current node's, go right
            } else if (value > current.value){
                parent = current;
                current = current.right;

            //values are equal, found it!
            } else {
                found = true;

        //only proceed if the node was found
        if (found){


    //more code here


remove()的第一部分 方法是使用二分搜索定位要刪除的節點,如果值小於當前節點,則向左,如果大於當前節點,則向右。當這種遍歷發生時,parent 節點也會被跟踪,因為您最終需要從其父節點中刪除該節點。當found 等於 truecurrent的值 是要移除的節點。


  1. 葉節點
  2. 只有一個孩子的節點
  3. 一個有兩個孩子的節點



BinarySearchTree.prototype = {

    //more code here

    remove: function(value){

        var found       = false,
            parent      = null,
            current     = this._root,

        //find the node (removed for space)

        //only proceed if the node was found
        if (found){

            //figure out how many children
            childCount = (current.left !== null ? 1 : 0) + 
                         (current.right !== null ? 1 : 0);

            //special case: the value is at the root
            if (current === this._root){

                    //no children, just erase the root
                    case 0:
                        this._root = null;

                    //one child, use one as the root
                    case 1:
                        this._root = (current.right === null ? 
                                      current.left : current.right);

                    //two children, little work to do
                    case 2:


                    //no default


            //non-root values
            } else {

                switch (childCount){

                    //no children, just remove it from the parent
                    case 0:
                        //if the current value is less than its 
                        //parent's, null out the left pointer
                        if (current.value < parent.value){
                            parent.left = null;

                        //if the current value is greater than its
                        //parent's, null out the right pointer
                        } else {
                            parent.right = null;

                    //one child, just reassign to parent
                    case 1:
                        //if the current value is less than its 
                        //parent's, reset the left pointer
                        if (current.value < parent.value){
                            parent.left = (current.left === null ? 
                                           current.right : current.left);

                        //if the current value is greater than its 
                        //parent's, reset the right pointer
                        } else {
                            parent.right = (current.left === null ? 
                                            current.right : current.left);

                    //two children, a bit more complicated
                    case 2:


                    //no default





    //more code here


在處理根時,這是一個簡單的覆蓋它的過程。對於非根節點,parent 上的相應指針 必鬚根據要移除的節點的值來設置:如果移除的值小於父節點,則left 指針必須重置為 null (對於沒有子節點的節點)或刪除節點的 left 指針;如果刪除的值大於父級,則 right 指針必須重置為 null 或者被移除節點的right 指針。


如果根為 8,左孩子為 3,如果刪除 3 會發生什麼?有兩種可能:1(3的左孩子,稱為有序前任)可以代替3或4(右子樹最左邊的孩子,稱為有序後繼)可以代替3 個。


BinarySearchTree.prototype = {

    //more code here

    remove: function(value){

        var found       = false,
            parent      = null,
            current     = this._root,

        //find the node (removed for space)

        //only proceed if the node was found
        if (found){

            //figure out how many children
            childCount = (current.left !== null ? 1 : 0) + 
                         (current.right !== null ? 1 : 0);

            //special case: the value is at the root
            if (current === this._root){

                    //other cases removed to save space

                    //two children, little work to do
                    case 2:

                        //new root will be the old root's left child
                        replacement = this._root.left;

                        //find the right-most leaf node to be 
                        //the real new root
                        while (replacement.right !== null){
                            replacementParent = replacement;
                            replacement = replacement.right;

                        //it's not the first node on the left
                        if (replacementParent !== null){

                            //remove the new root from it's 
                            //previous position
                            replacementParent.right = replacement.left;

                            //give the new root all of the old 
                            //root's children
                            replacement.right = this._root.right;
                            replacement.left = this._root.left;
                        } else {

                            //just assign the children
                            replacement.right = this._root.right;

                        //officially assign new root
                        this._root = replacement;

                    //no default


            //non-root values
            } else {

                switch (childCount){

                    //other cases removed to save space 

                    //two children, a bit more complicated
                    case 2:

                        //reset pointers for new traversal
                        replacement = current.left;
                        replacementParent = current;

                        //find the right-most node
                        while(replacement.right !== null){
                            replacementParent = replacement;
                            replacement = replacement.right;

                        replacementParent.right = replacement.left;

                        //assign children to the replacement
                        replacement.right = current.right;
                        replacement.left = current.left;

                        //place the replacement in the right spot
                        if (current.value < parent.value){
                            parent.left = replacement;
                        } else {
                            parent.right = replacement;

                    //no default





    //more code here


具有兩個子節點的根節點和非根節點刪除的代碼幾乎相同。這個實現總是通過查看左子樹並找到最右邊的後代節點來尋找有序的前任。使用 replacement 完成遍歷 和 replacementParent while 中的變量 環形。 replacement 中的節點 最終成為替換 current 的節點 ,因此通過設置其父級的 right 將其從當前位置移除 指向替換的 left 的指針 指針。在根節點的情況下,replacementParent 將是 null 當替換是根節點的直接子節點時,replacementright 指針只是設置為根的 right 指針。最後一步是將替換節點分配到正確的位置。對於根節點,設置替換為新根;對於非根節點,替換被分配到原始 parent 上的適當位置 .


此二叉搜索樹實現的完整源代碼可在我的 JavaScript GitHub 項目中的計算機科學中找到。對於替代實現,您還可以查看 Isaac Schlueter 的 GitHub fork。

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